Amanda Stephenson
May 24, 2021
-Calgary Herald
With global helium prices hitting stratospheric levels, exploration companies are racing to snap up assets in Alberta in a bid to turn this province into a significant supplier of the in-demand gas.
“It’s a bit of a land rush right now, to be honest,” said Chris Bakker, CEO of Calgary-based Avanti Energy, which recently leased 7,000 acres in southern Alberta for the purpose of helium exploration and is in negotiations for another 12,000 acres in Montana.
“In the last 12 to 18 months, there’s been quite a few companies that have appeared on the market,” Bakker said.
Geologists have known for a long time that Alberta is sitting on abundant helium reserves. Large-scale deposits of the gas, which is the second most abundant element in the universe but relatively rare on Earth, can be found deep underground in the same regions that have historically been known for oil and gas drilling.
For decades, this lighter-than-air resource has remained relatively untapped, but recent years have seen renewed interest in helium in Western Canada. Beyond the filling of party balloons, the element has a host of uses — from medical applications and MRI machines to fibre optic cables, data centres, semiconductor manufacturing, and cooling and cryogenics.
“The real growth areas are the high-tech areas,” said Bakker, who worked for Encana (now Ovintiv) for 16 years before taking a buyout in 2019 and launching his helium company. “It’s all around us, in a way. Every time you pick up your phone or look at your laptop, it’s got a connection back to helium.”
At the same time that demand for helium is spiking, there is a supply shortfall. Since the 1920s, the U.S. has been the largest supplier of global helium through its Federal Helium Reserve. But that is set to cease production in 2021, a fact that has caused prices to skyrocket.
The helium market has the potential to be a “significant opportunity for Canada,” given it has one-fifth of the world’s helium resources and sits next door to the U.S., the largest consumer of helium, Skolnick said. Saskatchewan in particular has come out of the gates running — the province already has nine active helium wells in the province and 24 in the drilling process, according to the government of Saskatchewan.
Last month, Saskatchewan also became home to the largest helium purification facility in the country, owned and operated by Calgary-based North American Helium. The privately held company expects to produce more than 50 million cubic feet per year of purified helium for commercial sale at the $32-million facility.
The Saskatchewan government has encouraged the growth of a helium industry in the province, even offering a 15 per cent transferrable royalty credit for helium processing and liquefaction projects.
But Alberta is also keen to get in on the action — last year, the province introduced a helium-specific royalty rate and regulatory structure that the government says is competitive to Saskatchewan’s and is aimed at providing long-term certainty for helium companies and investors.
“Developing untapped resources — such as helium — further diversifies our energy sector, with Alberta being well-positioned to help meet increasing global demand,” said Jennifer Henshaw, spokesperson for Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage, in an email. “The growing helium industry is also a strong opportunity to create jobs and leverage the existing skills of Alberta oil and gas workers.”
Because the right to explore for and produce helium falls under the same category in Alberta as the right to explore for oil and gas, there are no provincial statistics available about how many helium leases have been awarded or how much land has been acquired specifically for helium exploration. However, in addition to Avanti Energy and North American Helium, other companies active in the province include Royal Helium, Desert Mountain Helium, the Weil Group and Thor Resources.
David Johnson is CEO of Imperial Helium, a junior exploration company with operations based in Calgary that started trading on the TSX Venture Exchange last week. Imperial Helium aims to target existing natural gas wells with already proven existing concentrations of helium. It has already acquired a historic well site near Steveville in southern Alberta, and believes it could recover 1.1 billion cubic feet of helium from this resource alone.
Johnson said he views helium as a chance for Alberta to use its historic strengths in resource extraction in a new way, helping to diversify the economy and meet the needs of an increasingly tech-powered world.
“The helium has always been there, but it was easier in the past just to let it go out the chimney rather than to capture it, because you didn’t really know what you could sell it for, quite frankly,” he said. “But now we can see the value in it, so I think eyes have opened. There’s a big opportunity here in Alberta.”