Published:September 30, 2021

-National File


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is surveilling America by launching a “Funded Surveillance” program called “Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER).” 

This is a highly concerning development for gun owners, considering the federal government’s well-known desire to push gun control measures, monitor gun owners, and generally attack the Second Amendment in the United States. Now, the CDC is paying for states to “provide surveillance data in near-real time” on firearm injuries in emergency rooms.

The CDC states: “CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention is funding 10 state health departments (up to $225,000 per recipient) as part of a competitively funded initiative to provide surveillance data in near-real time on emergency visits for nonfatal firearm injuries. CDC awarded a total of $2,224,482 distributed among the 10 recipients. Recipients will be funded for 3 years (09/01/2020-08/31/2023).” The CDC’s “Recipients” include:

  • District of Columbia Department of Health
  • Florida Department of Health
  • Georgia Department of Public Health
  • New Mexico Department of Health
  • North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
  • Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division
  • Utah Department of Health
  • Virginia Department of Health
  • Washington State Department of Health
  • West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

The CDC states: “Timely state- and local-level data on emergency department visits for nonfatal firearm injuries are currently limited. The collection of near-real-time data on emergency department visits for nonfatal firearm injuries overall and by intent (intentional self-directed, unintentional, and assault-related) can support state and local jurisdictions in identifying and responding to emerging public health problems. Efforts under this initiative will also result in tools and methods that can be used by state and local health departments around the nation to rapidly track and respond to firearm injuries.”