Published:September 29, 2021



The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) released by the FBI on Monday shows over two times as many people were killed with knives in 2020 than were killed with shotguns and rifles combined.

The UCR shows that 203 people were killed with shotguns in 2021 and another 454 were killed with rifles, for a total of 657 deaths. But the same FBI report shows that 1,732 people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments,” which is over two times more deaths than were caused with shotguns and rifles combined.

In 2019 and 2018 over four times as many people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments” as were killed with shotguns and rifles combined.

Moreover, Breitbart News noted that when compared to rifle deaths alone, the FBI UCR shows over three and a half times more people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments” than with rifles. In fact, more people were killed with fists and feet than were killed with rifles in 2020.

The FBI figures show nearly as many people were killed with “blunt objects” as were killed with rifles in 2020. The UCR notes that 454 were killed with rifles and 392 were killed with “clubs, hammers, etc.”