Published: June 27, 2021
-National File
The Make-a-Wish Foundation has backed down and scrapped its plan to mandate Coronavirus vaccines for all sick and terminally ill children who are seeking wishes. The Foundation’s president and CEO Richard Davis announced a vaccine requirement for wish kids, but public outrage quickly derailed the plan. The Foundation provides special gifts for very sick and dying kids, like trips to theme parks and meetings with celebrities.
“We understand that there are many families whose children aren’t eligible for the vaccine yet, and we also know that there are families who are choosing to not get the vaccine. We respect everyone’s freedom of choice. Make-a-Wish will continue to grant wishes for all eligible children. Make-a-Wish will not require anyone to get vaccinated to receive a wish,” Make-A-Wish declared Sunday. “Any child fighting a critical illness is eligible for Make-a-Wish. While it does not reflect the majority of children we serve, we do occasionally serve children whose medical provider has determined that the child will not survive their illness. In time-sensitive situations involving an end-of-life diagnosis, a special process has been and will continue to be in place regardless of vaccination status.”
Saturday Night Live legend Rob Schneider denounced the Foundation’s initial plan to force the vaccine on kids, vowing to cut off his association with the Foundation if the plan went into effect.
“Make-a-Wish will only grant wishes to terminally ill children who are fully vaccinated?!”
While it has been an honor to work with this foundation over the years,
if this policy of discrimination of children is true?
I will never work with them again.
Ever— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) June 27, 2021