Updated: July 8, 2021
-New Hampshire Union Leader
BRENTWOOD — A man described as a “monster” who sexually abused three girls for several years has been sentenced to 60 to 120 years behind bars in what prosecutors believe is the longest prison term ever handed down in a sexual assault case in Rockingham County.
Ian R. Boudreau, 36, of Raymond, was effectively given a life sentence for the repeated abuse that for some of his victims lasted nearly a decade.
At a hearing Wednesday, Rockingham County Superior Court Judge Marguerite Wageling said she agreed with county prosecutors, who insisted that Boudreau get a 60- to 120-year sentence and never be allowed to walk the streets again.
“I fear what you will do if you ever have that chance. Nothing was going to stop you from hurting these children, nothing but your arrest. The flagrancy of your abuse was something I have not seen,” Wageling told Boudreau before saying that he was being sent to prison “with great pleasure.”
In May, a jury convicted Boudreau of 14 counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault following a nine-day trial.
Boudreau, who formerly lived in Exeter, became the focus of a joint investigation in 2019 by Exeter and Raymond police, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Rockingham County Attorney’s Office after one of his victims told an adult about the abuse. The revelation prompted two other victims to come forward.
According to prosecutors, two of the victims endured repeated abuse beginning when they were 6 years old. The assaults continued until they were 15 and 16. Another victim was abused between the ages of nine and 13.
Assistant County Attorney Ryan Ollis said Boudreau was manipulative and took advantage of the young victims’ vulnerability.
“Week after week, month after month, year after year, the defendant sexually assaulted these girls,” said Ollis, adding that it was “hard to really grasp the sheer number of sexual assaults” against the girls — all of whom were known to him.
Ollis said Boudreau used isolation to “target and prey” on the victims.
In their statements to the court, the victims called Boudreau a “monster.”
“I thought I was living a life that I had to live,” one of the victims said.
Another told how her innocence was robbed and how Boudreau had tried to destroy her self-esteem.
Ollis said the only way to protect society would be for Boudreau to spend the rest of his life in prison.
He told the court that Boudreau shouldn’t receive a “bulk discount” when being sentenced because he abused multiple victims.
Public defender Lauren Prusiner didn’t propose an alternative sentence, but said she felt 60 to 120 years was “excessive.”
The judge felt differently.
“The psychological damage you have brought to bear … will never equate to the number of years you will serve in the New Hampshire State Prison,” Wageling told Boudreau, who chose not to address the court before being whisked away by sheriff’s deputies after his sentencing.