Jose Nino
June 15, 2021
-Big League Politics
On June 8, the National Association for Gun Rights filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesting that the Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs provide more details about the “stakeholders” present during their meetings in which they drew up Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) legislation.
The legislation in question is generally known as red flag gun confiscation orders among pro-Second Amendment organizations given how firearms are taken away from American citizens without due process. Specifically, Americans can have their firearms seized without even being proven guilty of committing a crime.
“In their June 7th press release, the DOJ stated that they consulted so-called stakeholders to draft model Red Flag gun confiscation legislation. We want to know who they consulted – because they surely didn’t ask us,” declared Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights.
According to the “model” legislation published on the DOJ’s website, the government agency recommends stringent “Red Flag” gun confiscation legislation be passed. Make no mistake about it, these bills are constructed in a manner that allows governments to confiscate individuals’ firearms based on flimsy accusations coming from acquaintances, ex-partners with an axe to grind, neighbors, doctors, and school teachers. Under red flag laws, government officials can confiscate privately-owned firearms from innocent Americans, without so much as a hearing and the right for an individual to defend himself in court.
“American citizens deserve to know what groups or private individuals consulted with the DOJ during their secretive meetings to eviscerate the Second Amendment and due process rights. Backroom deals involving government agencies crafting gun confiscation bills sounds like something straight out of the novel 1984. ” Brown stated.
The FOIA request features questions such as:
What stakeholders were invited? How many times did the stakeholders meet with the Department of Justice? Did the DOJ or stakeholders keep meeting minutes or notes during their stakeholder meetings?
The National Association for Gun Rights is firmly against all “Red Flag”/ERPO legislation. Its leadership views such bills as unconstitutional pieces of legislation that violate the Second, Fourth, and Sixth amendments to the U.S. Bill of Rights.
NAGR has been a leading no compromise lobby in the past decade. In addition to opposing gun grabs at all levels of government. NAGR has stood out by going on offense and promoting legislation like Constitutional Carry — the simple idea that no law-abiding American should have to beg the government for permission to exercise their God-given right to self-defense.
For a while, it was only Vermont and Alaska who had Constitutional Carry. But once NAGR entered the scene, in the early years of the Obama era, the number of states with those kinds of laws exploded. Now, there are 21 states with Constitutional Carry.
Overall, NAGR’s presence not only ensures that the Second Amendment stays intact, but also gives grassroots activists a vehicle to greatly affect change in state legislatures nationwide.