Andrei Dergalin

October 14, 2021



On his first shift at the mortuary, the man reportedly witnessed his more experienced colleague “wear a condom and finish his business on a beautiful body”.

A former mortuary attendant in Kenya identified as one Stephen Samaritan has come clean about a rather unsavory habit he acquired at that job, local media outlet KDRTV reports.

During an interview with Presenter Ali, Samaritan spoke about how he ended up working in a private mortuary in the town of Eldoret, having received the job offer from a friend and being initially unaware about what kind of work awaited him.

“I was innocent and needed a job. I was desperate,” he said. “They told me to work for the first day and from there, my efforts would determine how I’d be paid.”

As Stephen explained, the realisation about where he would be working initially scared him, but his colleagues gave him some “laced marijuana” to smoke, which helped him calm down.

It was on his first shift that Stephen allegedly saw one of his colleagues, Otis, who was assigned to train him, getting frisky with a dead body.

“Otis was assigned to train him how to go about his duties; around midnight he saw Otis wear a condom and finish his business on a beautiful body,” the media outlet notes. “He then urged him to try it out, saying it’s as good as normal sex.”

While Stephen initially was aghast, he eventually “became familiar” with the practice and “slept with his first dead body after a young, beautiful Indian body was brought in the mortuary and he couldn’t hold back”, as the media outlet puts it.