Micaiah Bilger
October 14, 2021
United Methodist Women are “praying” that Texas and other states will allow mothers to abort their unborn babies and stop trying to ban abortions.
An organization of the United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Women recently issued a statement criticizing the Texas heartbeat law and defending abortions.
State pro-life leaders said the law, which prohibits abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, has saved about 3,000 babies’ lives since it went into effect Sept. 1.
But the supposedly Christian women’s organization portrayed the law as oppressive, arguing that “women and families need access to the full range of reproductive health care, with the guidance the church provides.”
“We pray that legislators in states across the country will make a different choice and allow women to discuss health care needs with their loved ones and health care providers,” the United Methodist Women said.
However, the organization did not mention what that “choice” is: killing an unborn baby in an abortion. Abortions do not help women, and they are not health care. Aborting an unborn baby for basically any reason, as abortion activists want, is not a “human right.”
Killing an unborn baby contradicts Christianity, too, though some Methodist leaders try to claim otherwise.
Baptist News Global reports Stephanie Arnold and Katie Gilbert, pastors at First United Methodist Church of Birmingham, Alabama, recently created a video on TikTok criticizing Texas for protecting unborn babies from violent abortion deaths.
“As people of faith, we believe in reproductive rights,” they said in the video. “We won’t take this anymore.”
Dressed in costumes from the dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale,” Arnold and Gilbert described the pro-life law as “unjust” and “patriarchal.” They said it strips “women of their agency and rights,” and “women are people, too.”
But Christianity teaches that unborn babies also are people, something the United Methodist leaders neglected to mention. The Bible recognizes unborn babies as valuable human beings in multiple passages, and condemns the shedding of innocent blood and the harming of children.
True Christianity rejects violence and raises up the most vulnerable. It defends the defenseless and offers compassion to the suffering. This is what pro-life advocates, secular and religious, do every day for mothers and babies across the world. They offer struggling families true blessings by reassuring them that every life is valuable.
Yet, in the name of religion, some Christian leaders are perverting the truth and leading people astray. In doing so, they are further jeopardizing the futures of countless children in society.