By Staff
June 18, 2021
-Chicks On The Right
The Biden administration is calling for American citizens to inform the government of “radicalized” family members and friends, which is a trick that Nazis used, according to The BizPac Review.
“We need not only a whole of government approach but a whole of society approach,” Merrick Garland stated.
“We must not only bring our federal resources to bear. We must adopt a broader societal response to tackle the problem’s deeper roots.”
“President Biden tasked the intelligence and law enforcement communities during his first week in office to produce a comprehensive assessment of today’s domestic violent extremist threat. The goal underpinning that assessment was to establish a factual basis about the risk that domestic terrorists pose upon which we could then formulate a strategy and an implementation plan for countering domestic terrorism.”
“An unclassified summary of that baseline study was released in March, and it found that domestic violent extremists, motivated by a range of ideologies, pose an elevated threat to our country in 2021, with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists — and specifically those who espouse the superiority of the white race — and anti-government militia violent extremists posing the most lethal threat.”
“We will work to improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs.”
“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence.”
“Any particular tech company often knows its own platform very well.”
“But the government sees things — actually, threats of violence — across platforms. They see the relationship between online recruitment, radicalization, and violence in the physical world.”
“Wasn’t there a time back in the 40’s where some man in Germany had the general public watch their family, friends and neighbors. Asking them to report them because of their religious and birth right and also report any who assisted those he claimed not worthy.”
“What are we Cuba now??”
“This is nothing more than a fear & control tactic. they want you 2 turn against your family so they can forcibly swarm in & confiscate rightfully owned guns under the cloak of making america ‘safe’. and what is their definition of ‘radicalized americans’? anyone who opposes them?”
“Great. Happy to help. Start here… Anyone with the initials DNC located anywhere in their party affiliation. Begin high and work your way down. Looks like the higher one goes, the more radical they become.”
From The BizPac Review:
The Biden administration is urging Americans to alert the government to “radicalized” family members and friends, ostensibly in an effort to root out “domestic terrorists” in what critics are likening to fascistic, authoritarian regimes.
In a press call Tuesday, a senior administration official discussed President Joe Biden’s focus “on addressing the elevated threat of domestic terrorism” since taking office in January. The presser coincided with statements made earlier in the day by Attorney General Merrick Garland, in which he called for a “whole of society approach” to the issue following the Jan. 6 Capitol Building protest.
But it was comments made by the senior official that drew the most attention — and the most criticism.
The official then moved into specifics of the government’s initiatives.
The official discussed revitalizing the Obama-era Department of Homeland Security initiative, “If you see something, say something,” along with other measures the agency, in conjunction with the FBI and the Justice Department, would be taking to combat a supposed domestic extremist problem that remains undefined by the Biden administration.
Earlier this month, Biden proclaimed the threat from “white supremacy” as the “most lethal threat to the homeland today.” The administration has since said it plans to work with the big tech giants on “increased information sharing” to root out extremism.
Several social media users blasted the administration for suggesting family members and friends turn each other in for what they perceive to be “radicalized” ideas that could simply be holding political views opposed to the White House.