Posted By Tim Hains
Published:August 22, 2021
-Real Clear Politics
A mother and her kids took the stage during an Antifa press conference Friday in Portland.
“People attacked me and my family,” she said. “And it is not the Proud Boys — it is you… My black children were almost hit with bombs.”
The black woman calls out Portland antifa member Brandon Dustin Ferreira. She says antifa have been trying to get her husband fired, which would make 10 black members of her family destitute. She also calls out the leftist white woman who sneered at her.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 20, 2021
Via Andy Ngo — On 20 Aug., 2021, a black woman crashed a Portland press conference organized by several antifa-allied groups (e.g., Don’t Shoot Portland, Oregon Justice Resource Center, United Mutual Aid Network, etc.) ahead of a riot announced by antifa for 22 Aug., 2021. The woman called out antifa for throwing explosive fireworks and pepper-spraying her children at a family prayer event earlier in the month. The attack on Evangelical Christian worshippers on the Portland waterfront was ignored by the local press. Video recorded by “The Black Conservative Preacher.”