Posted By Tim Hains

Published:August 22, 2021

-Real Clear Politics

A mother and her kids took the stage during an Antifa press conference Friday in Portland.

“People attacked me and my family,” she said. “And it is not the Proud Boys — it is you… My black children were almost hit with bombs.”

Via Andy Ngo — On 20 Aug., 2021, a black woman crashed a Portland press conference organized by several antifa-allied groups (e.g., Don’t Shoot Portland, Oregon Justice Resource Center, United Mutual Aid Network, etc.) ahead of a riot announced by antifa for 22 Aug., 2021. The woman called out antifa for throwing explosive fireworks and pepper-spraying her children at a family prayer event earlier in the month. The attack on Evangelical Christian worshippers on the Portland waterfront was ignored by the local press. Video recorded by “The Black Conservative Preacher.”