December 14, 2021
-Rebel News
Justin Trudeau’s newest fiscal update includes what the government is calling a Digital Services Tax.
Buried in the bottom paragraph of a press release by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, below billions of dollars in new pandemic related bailouts as part of the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021, was the new promise to make using the Internet more expensive for every Canadian:
The government tabled two Notices of Ways and Means Motions in advance of proposed legislation. The first aims to make life safer and more affordable for Canadians, including through the introduction of the Small Businesses Air Quality Improvement Tax Credit, expanding the Eligible Educator School Supply Tax Credit, a new Underused Housing Tax, and extending the Northern Residents Deduction, among other measures. The second would include legislative proposals regarding the Digital Services Tax, on which stakeholder input is invited.”
Like the carbon tax, the digital money grab is another way that simply earning a living is being made more expensive by the Trudeau Liberals. Canadian Business reported in March 2021 that 5 million Canadians had shifted to “work from home” with almost all relying on Internet access to perform remote work duties.