Leeds city council is concerned about the origins of local produce such as Parkin cake because it may have once included sugar imported from the Caribbean and is therefore racist.
Yes, really.
The gingerbread cake was flagged in a Labour council document as part of a white guilt audit performed to satiate the Black Lives Matter mob and uncover “examples of how racism continues to be prevalent in everyday life.”
“Historically, some of the ingredients used to make these ‘local’ products were gained through the triangular slave trade (for example, sugar),” states the document.
The crucial investigation, which the document confirms was conducted “in relation to Black Lives Matter,” laments “how local products such as Yorkshire Parkin and Yorkshire tea are, in fact, reliant on global trade.”
Oh no, the horror.
Where it gets more insidious is that this information is all being prepared for schools so primary-age kids can be taught how much they should hate themselves and their own country.
The document bemoans the fact that the sugar in Parkin cake, as well as ingredients for Yorkshire Tea, “would have been sourced from around the empire and would have involved the labour of enslaved people as well as exploitation of resources and communities around the world.”
“It’s possible that the city’s leaders may have taken aim at cake after determining that there was a lack of problematic statues in the city ripe for removal,” reports RT. “Unlike in cities such as Bristol – where a statue of slave trader Edward Colston was toppled – Leeds is without memorials that honour individuals linked to the slave trade, the report concluded. However, “themes of empire and colonialism are still prominent within the city’s heritage” and much can be done to promote greater “diversity” in the municipality.”
Let me remind you that this utter stupidity is all taxpayer funded and they’re coming for your kids.