July 21, 2021
-The Gateway Pundit
Sharpiegate conspirator Kelly Dixon donated to Mark Kelly’s campaign just weeks before she participated in the 2020 election steal.
Prior to the 2020 election Maricopa County Elections Director Kelly Dixon demanded that poll workers give ballpoint pens to voters every day prior to elections, but on elections day she said they “NEED” to use sharpies.
We know that Trump voters showed up in overwhelming numbers on election day due to mail-in fraud concerns.
This is always the case. Republicans like to vote in person to make sure their vote counts.
Now there is evidence that Kelly Dixon donated to Democrat Mark Kelly.
Dixon also contributed $100 to ACTBLUE, earmarked for Mark Kelly for Senate. She secured this victory bad election practices.
Headline USA reports “According to her LinkedIn page, her office was responsible for filling “more than 4,000 temporary worker positions to support election day sites and elections activities.”
How many of the found discrepancies were caused by this woman or her 4,000 handpicked employees?
@CitizenSe7en721 Tweeted:
Of COURSE she did!!!
Maricopa Official Behind SharpieGate Gave to Mark Kelly Campaign
Of COURSE she did!!!
Maricopa Official Behind SharpieGate Gave to Mark Kelly Campaignhttps://t.co/6YG6mlbih5
— Citizen Se7en 7.2🌵🇺🇸🏴🇩🇪 (@CitizenSe7en721) July 20, 2021
Why did they strictly use sharpies on election day but ballpoint pens every day prior?
Is Kelly Dixon also responsible for the 168,000 offset ballots printed on demand?